Since our repayment schedule is tied to your daily credit card sale, we only get paid when you do. No worrying about making that monthly fixed payment. Just a small percentage of you sales at the end of each day until your cash advance is paid off. If sales are slow one month, no worries, we get paid less. It doesn't get any simpler than that!
Applying for a merchant cash advance is simple. Click the button below to fill out an application online, or if you prefer, just give us a call and a customer representative will assess your sales and cash requirements with you. Most approvals take less than 24 hours and your cash can be deposited in your bank account within 72 hours of your approval. Compare that to a typical small business loan which can take weeks for approval and ties up your collateral for months or even years.
If your plans are a bit more complex and you need a customized financial solution, call us at (312) 800-1604. We can create a flexible payment plan to meet the needs of your business.
What’s next?
If your plans are a bit more complex and you need a customized financial solution, call us at (312) 800-1604. We can create a flexible payment plan to meet the needs of your business.
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